Zustand: New.
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PAP. Zustand: New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000.
Verlag: Berlin/Hamburg, Luther. Verl.-Haus., 1964
Anbieter: Antiquariat Kai Groß, Gleichen OT Bischhausen, Deutschland
gr. 8. 110 S., kt. 2, 1 Ecke gestaucht. (Arbeiten zur Geschichte u. Theologie des Luthertums, 14).
HRD. Zustand: New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000.
Anbieter: California Books, Miami, FL, USA
Zustand: New.
Anbieter: California Books, Miami, FL, USA
Zustand: New.
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Neu ab EUR 31,50
Gebraucht ab EUR 62,48
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Verlag: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2009
ISBN 10: 2757400827 ISBN 13: 9782757400821
Sprache: Französisch
Anbieter: Revaluation Books, Exeter, Vereinigtes Königreich
Paperback. Zustand: Brand New. French language. 7.87x6.06x0.55 inches. In Stock.
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Neu ab EUR 38,44
Gebraucht ab EUR 57,25
Mehr entdecken Softcover
HRD. Zustand: New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000.
Anbieter: Ria Christie Collections, Uxbridge, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: New. In.
Verlag: Stgt., Kohlhammer., 1936
Anbieter: Antiquariat Kai Groß, Gleichen OT Bischhausen, Deutschland
XXIV,629 S., kt. 2, unbeschn., Lichtrand. (Forschngn. z. Kirchen- u. Geistesgesch., 9).
Anbieter: Antiquariat Michael Eschmann, Groß-Gerau, Deutschland
Kunst / Grafik / Poster
0. Sprache: Deutschu.
Verlag: [Ex officina Ioannis Oporini], Basileae, 1561
Anbieter: Stony Hill Books, Madison, WI, USA
Soft cover. Zustand: Very Good. Small octavo approx. 16x10 cm, bound in newer stiff light gray paper wraps, 77, [1] pages clean and unmarked; M. Theophilus said to be a pseudonym for Matthias Flacius Illyricus. Printer's name from colophon on leaf E7v. Colophon reads: Basileae, ex officina Ioannis Oporini, anno salutis humanae M.D. LXI. mense Martio." Text in Latin with quotations and examples in Greek. Signatures: A-E7.
Hardcover. Zustand: Good. 2 volumes in one. Thick folio. Contemporary vellum. Covers soiled. Good, solid binding. All edges red. Title in red and black. Faint, old damp stain to edge. Folding table. Matthias Flacius Illyricus (Matthias Flach) was a noted Lutheran theologian. Flacius' legacy can be seen in the survival of Lutheranism as a distinct, uncompromising theology. (Which was of course not a fait accompli, Luther had died in 1546.) It was the intellectual strength and emphasis on truth and scripture of 2nd generation Protestants, such as Flacius, that held together Luther's reforms in the face of Catholic opposition. During his life, his strong views and writings concerning the importance of the scripture, church freedom and reassertion of Lutheran criticisms of Roman Catholicism had an outsized influence on the views and success of the German reformation. These writings provided the spiritual and theological guidance that prevented Protestant accommodation with Catholic forces. His work, Clavis scripturae sacrae (A Key to the Sacred Scripture, of the Language of the Sacred Writings) was first published in 1567. Much of his work dealt with how we know the truth and come upon it. For Flacius, the scripture was the source of truth and the path to Christ. For ref: "How to Understand the Sacred Scriptures from Clavis Scripturae Sacrae," Wade Johnston, Magdeburg press, 2011. BM 9: 388 (20) Also, Stanko Jambrek. Flacius' Struggle for the Freedom of the Church, Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology, 2012.