Yarn Texturing Technology ISBN 13: 9780849313103

Yarn Texturing Technology - Hardcover

9780849313103: Yarn Texturing Technology

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Texturing is increasingly important in textile production, not only in yarns for weaving and knitting fashion products, but also for carpets, furnishing fabrics and a variety of technical textiles. Yarn Texturing Technology covers all the major techniques including twist-texturing, jet-screen texturing, false-twist process, BCF processes and air-jet texturing in detail.

Combining a comprehensive review of the physics and chemistry of texturing with a thorough, illustrated description of current practice, this book will be invaluable for yarn and fabric manufacturers, textile scientists and students in textile science and technology courses.

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ISBN 10:  185573575X ISBN 13:  9781855735750
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing, Ltd., 2010