Verlag: London, Baldwin and Cradock, 1822
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Antiquariat Steffen Völkel GmbH, Seubersdorf, Deutschland
Kunst / Grafik / Poster
Original Radierung von William Hogarth von der Originalplatte abgedruckt aus: "The Works of William Hogarth from the original plates restored by James Heath, etc." - London, Baldwin and Cradock, 1822. -- Blatt-Format: ca. 48 x 64 cm. -- am unteren Rand mit kleinem hinterlegten Randeinriss, sonst gut erhalten. || Original etching by William Hogarth printed from the original plate out of: "The Works of William Hogarth from the original plates restored by James Heath, etc.". Published in London by Baldwin and Cradock, 1822. with small deposited tear on the lower margin, otherwise in good condition. || Dies ist ein Original! - Kein Nachdruck! - Keine Kopie! -- This is an original! - No copy! - No reprint! Sprache: Englisch Gewicht in Gramm: 20.
Verlag: London, Baldwin and Cradock, 1822
Sprache: Englisch
Anbieter: Antiquariat Steffen Völkel GmbH, Seubersdorf, Deutschland
Kunst / Grafik / Poster
original Radierung gestochen vonT. Cook nach William Hogarth von der Originalplatte abgedruckt aus: "The Works of William Hogarth from the original plates restored by James Heath, etc." - London, Baldwin and Cradock, 1822 - Blatt-Format: ca. 63,5 x 48 cm - Platten-Format: ca. 56 x 44 cm - gut erhalten. | original etching engraved by T. Cook after William Hogarth printed from the original plate out of: "The Works of William Hogarth from the original plates restored by James Heath, etc." - London, Baldwin and Cradock, 1822 - good condition. Sprache: Englisch Gewicht in Gramm: 20.
Verlag: London: G & J Robinson., 1803
Anbieter: Wittenborn Art Books, San Francisco, CA, USA
Kunst / Grafik / Poster
Zustand: Good. Original B&W engraving. 22.5 x 18 inches. Very Good. Some toning. Light foxing in margins. Light vertical wrinkle in center.
Verlag: London: 1806, 1806
Anbieter: Peter Harrington. ABA/ ILAB., London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Thomas Bambridge was a warder at the Fleet prison who was tried for cruelty to prisoners. In this print, a pitiable prisoner kneels in front of a committee of bewigged gentlemen. Bambridge is to the left of the print. Hogarth's father was imprisoned in the Fleet prison for debt, which made him sympathetic to the plight of prisoners. Copper engraving. Uncoloured. Size: 640 x 490 mm. Good condition.
Verlag: London: 1806, 1806
Anbieter: Peter Harrington. ABA/ ILAB., London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Thomas Bambridge was a warder at the Fleet prison who was tried for cruelty to prisoners. In this print, a pitiable prisoner kneels in front of a committee of bewigged gentlemen. Bambridge is to the left of the print. Hogarth's father was imprisoned in the Fleet prison for debt, which made him sympathetic to the plight of prisoners Copper engraving. Uncoloured. Size: 64 x 49 cm (25 x 19½ inches). Good condition.
Anbieter: Goltzius, Lisse, Niederlande
Thomas Bambridge (?-ca. 1750) was sedert 1728 een berucht gevangenisbewaarder van de Fleet Prison in Londen die zijn gevangenen martelde etc. Na een onderzoek in 1729 door het House of Commons werd hij opgesloten in Newgate Prison en vervallen verklaard uit zijn functie. Hij staat op de prent als tweede van links en wordt ondervraagd door James Oglethorpe. Op de voorgrond een gevangen Portugees Jacob Mendez Solas die gevangen zat in ijzeren boeien in de Fleet Prison wegens schulden. Her en der martelwerktuigen. Gravure door J. Cook, naar een schilderij van W. Hogarth. Published Londen, Robinson, 1-6-1803. De prent toont Bambridge, 15 heren rond een tafel en een gevangen Portugees. [EN] Interior of the Fleet Prison with the House of Commons committee appointed to enquire into the state of gaols (after Hogarth's painting of c.1729 in the National Portrait Gallery); to left, James Oglethorpe, Chairman of the Committee, confronts the warden of the Fleet, Thomas Bambridge; in the foreground, a prisoner (probably Jacob Mendes da Sola) kneels in shackles. l Engraving on paper with margins; plate mark: 440 x 560 mm, total: 450 x 550 mm; damaged along the plate mark.